
Sunday, May 9, 2010

Where did all the good parties go?

For the Past three days my left forearm has ached, each day it gets worse. I find this ironic as the past few months I have played the least amount of guitar in my life. Maybe it's karma's way of punishing me, instead of pain's from playing too much, I get tendinitis from not playing enough.

Of late I have been trying to get the most of out of my weekends, I try keep my weekly socializing down to a semi-acceptable level so that I can enjoy the weekend. However, this plan seems to be having the adverse effect. I don't know why, but struggle to have a good time. I either have to soak myself in booze, so that I become unaware of my surroundings or I can wallow in self pity that I cant remember the last truly exciting evening I had that didn't involve a car crash and a missing person case.

Last night wasn't too bad when I think about it. We went to rumors to watch a friend's band of ours play.The opening act's were some of the worse displays of musicianship I have seen in a long time. If you have the opportunity to watch "Bile of Man" run for the fucking hills. I am sorry but the sound of a rhino having an abortion is not my idea of a good time. Facing the Gallows put on the only solid performance of Metal the entire evening. Heavy Metal is the easiest form of music to play badly, but one of the most difficult to pull off properly. I also received a reminder that being in a band with friends can often result in the destruction of that friendship. We said our goodbye's and made our way to Justin's house for a little night cap.

After a reminder that my flirting skills require drastic attention, a few beers, a terrible game of pool and the ever risky business of getting home, I found myself lying in bed and once again over analyzing myself, my weekend and all of the bullshit in between. My life has done an entire transformation over the last 3 month's and It still take's a lot of getting used when I think about it.

In reality my life is not bad at all, I have great friends. But I can't help but fight off the feeling that something in my life is missing at the moment. Yes, I know the lack of music is a big part of that, but I know that there is something els aloof in my life. Hmmm, maybe I'll go to Teazers tonight, whore's and trash should make me feel better about myself.

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