Mr Bukowski left a rampage of booze, dirty women and probably some of the best literacy I have ever been exposed to in my life. Bukowski in the real world could only be described as white trash. He drank more that was thought physically possible, he fucked half of the hookers in America and contracted enough STD's to create a new strain of nasty. However this american lowlife managed to document this life of his is a manner that is truly astounding.
If you like words, really good words, go read his books. He writes in a way that is hard to describe. I don't want bore you with pathetic attempts trying to explain how Bukowski makes me feel when he writes. Basically Charles is good, No he is probably one of the best. Well thats if you don't mind reading about booze, sex, murder and some pretty fucked up shit. So i've punted Mr Bukowski, go get a book of his and tell me if it is as good as I make it out to be.
Still trying to get a handle on the subject matter.