So I'm waiting to bath, but the power has been off the entire morning and there is no hot water. I really hate having an icy bath, so decided to pass the time by posting another blog entry. I got inspiration to do this specific type of post from a guy called Ricki. I've only recently become friends with Ricki after our December trip too Mozambique where he accompanied us, along with his girlfriend Indianna and some of his close friends (who I now consider my friends aswell). Check out his blog im_cadillac.blogspot.com.
So "Hi"(Waves) My name is Mark. I'm studying Journalism at The University Of Johannesburg. From time to time I wish I was the BComm type and was going to walk into a Cushy Salary at some firm, but I'm not like that and the thought of crunching numbers for the rest of my life scares the living shit out of me.So I decided to use writing as my "in" into the world of business. I play alot of guitar, it's kinda like my thing, the one thing I'm actually good at, well sort of anyway. I think I'll play guitar till the day I die. I Used to be in a band called The Uncut (there is a previous post of mine that explains why i use the words "Used to"). I would like to start another band one day but I need to find the right people
I am blessed to have a special group of friends, we party way too much and we get into alot of shit, but i wouldn't have it any other way.I'm quite a shy dude, alot of people think I'm arrogant because I don't make splendid conversation straight off the bat, the reason for this is because I often don't know what too say. It's something that I have to come to terms with about myself. It kind sucks because I'm pretty useless at hitting on girls, again I guess it's just something I have to come to terms with. I really love music, it kinda goes with the guitar playing thing, but I think I would rather go blind then go deaf. I'm pretty bad at spelling even though I'm a journalist(in training). I have recently been trying to focus some attention on my writing as it is the thing that is going to help me get that Cushy salary(hopefully). I wouldn't be too sad if I ended up like that guy from Californication, but maybe not so burnt out...
I have two brothers Greg and Michael. They are pretty rad guys in their own unique kinda ways. My parents aren't divorced which is pretty rare these days, I'm very thankful for that. I have a crappy car smurf blue car called "The Beast". Its a 1991 Toyota Corrola and it has no radio, so I have to sing to myself if I want music. Its kinda of ironic that I get guys on a regular basis who tell me they want my car as it is their dream car, here I am moaning that it is shitty. An ungrateful bastard I surely am.
So thats me, I probably have left a whole lot out, but this is my Blog and I can do what I want.Its bath time
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