For the past few months I have heard the same thing over and over. "Holy shit dude, what happened", "oh my god, this is a publicity stunt right", "im so sorry, what happened".
The Uncut has broken up, it's not a publicity stunt, we are not becoming an electro act. It is over....
I realized that I wanted to try other stuff, I had been cast in the mold of The Uncut for so long, that I became tired of what was happening. It became a chore for me and one day I realised that this is not why I started this band. I know im talking as if this was only my decision, when in reality it was not. But this is my blog and I can vent as much as I want.
The one thing that I regret, about the whole experiance was not the empty gigs, it wasnt the time and effort that was spent rehearsing and writing or dealing with scaby mother fucker's who dont pay up. I regret the fact that I might just have lost one of the closest friends I have ever had. I dont think we will become enemies or never speak to each other again, but I know(and I have felt this already) that there is a massive elephant in the room when we are together. I regret that, alot. But I guess if friendships are ment to be, then it will work itself out.
Alot of people ask me so what now...Well yes I left The Uncut because I wanted to move on(hopefully to better things) and I do intend to start something new, with the right people and with the experience that I have gained. However, I want to be calculated about it, I want to take it seriously. At the moment all I want to do is become a better musician, this means jamming with lots of different people. If you are a musician, lets jam. There is always something that we can teach each other. I mean that
One thing that angered me about the whole situation was a fan page called "bring back the uncut". It didn't anger me because of the fact that people wanted us to continue making music, the thing that angered me was that alot of the so called "fans" were people that have never watched a show of ours, they didn't listen to our music and they showed no interest in what we were doing. That pissed me off. I do realize that I might have over reacted, but you people have no morals or integrity. It was a great time for you followers to wave your arms and act like you give a fuck because those two guys from high school's band is actually doing pretty well. This isn't targeted to every member of the group, just a small amount of the so called "fans" of Bring back the Uncut. What I would like to say to the select few is "Fuck You". The rest of you people that supported us and actually gave a fuck, I love you and I appreciate the time and money that you spent while supporting us. We owe everything to you
I already miss the comradeship that goes along with sharing so much time and effort with 3 other people. But, in my heart I know we made the right decision. It was just the hardest of my life.
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